Thursday, June 11, 2015



One dark night a 18 year old boy that's name was Harry was walking in the forest alone.  Then Crack Crack “w who’s there,” whispered Harry the sound got louder Crack Crack and louder Thump Thump and then boom! a giant foot stood in front of him Harry looked up there in front of him was a GIANT MYSTERIOUS MONSTER Harry quickly ran home and into his bed. The next day he ran to school and told all of his friends, they didn’t believe him only one did and that one was Harry’s best friend his name was Jack.  that night Harry and Jack went into the forest to look for the monster “Harry are you sure there is a monster,” said Jack
“of course i’m sure,” said Harry the next minute the herd snoring they sneaked up behind a rock and and there was the monster fast asleep they crept up closer to the monster and looked at his face “well he looks scary all right,” said Harry
“yup and big,” said Jack then suddenly the monsters eyes opened wide his face growled at the boys “running would be a good idea,” said Harry
“i’m good with that,” said Jack the boys ran for their lives “OK we’ll split up you go right i’ll go left GO!” said Harry the boys ran as fast as they could they both went back and round the monster then BANG! the boys ran straight into each other “ow,” said the boys Harry put his hand over Jack’s mouth “shh the big guy can't hear us,” said Harry
“you mean the GIANT HAIRY GU…”
“I said shush” said Harry putting his hand over Jack’s mouth.The monster turned around the boy quickly jumped into a bush and waited until the monster went past.  “That was awesome I can’t wait to tell everyone at school’” said Jack “don’t you dare tell anyone it’s top secret and plus they won’t even believe you so keep it a secret OK,” said Harry
“OK,” said jack.  So the next morning (the weekend) Harry went over to Jack’s house to talk about the monster.  “OK today we will go into the forest and make a hut to sleep in tonight so how much wood have you got in your house?” said Harry
“heaps,” replied Jack
“good now lets get some wood and a box of nails and i’ll grab two hammers and some blankets.  When the boys got there they started making the hut they got some help from Jack's dad too.  When it was finished it was huge Jack’s dad got the boy’s ,a table, a mini toilet, a microwave and some pizza (for diner).“Right finally finished,” said Harry
“yup it looks good,” replied Jack
“well what shall we do now?” asked Jack
“arr m m m,” said Harry
“um does that mean I don’t know?”
“yup now how about we make a trap for the big guy with some rope and  wood leftover?” asked Harry
“OK,” replied Jack so the boys went out of their hut and started making the trap “all right done when he walks through that hill be on the ground in no time,” said Harry Crack “What was that?” asked Jack

“the monster,’’ replied Harry “quickly into the hut,” said Harry the boys stared out the window waiting for the monster to come past “here he comes,” said Harry excitedly BOOM!!! the monster fell the the ground with the huge rock next to him “we did it we did it yes,” the boys looked into the monster's eyes “he’s dead” said Jack “he’s dead we’ll this guy will last us a year for diner lets cook him up,” said Harry so that was the end of the mysterious monster THE END.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Area - Week 6

Area is the inside of a shape.  To know how to use area you need to know rows, columns and your times tables. 
A row is a line across the shape and columns is a line up the shape and I'm sure you know what time tables are.  
Here is an E.g of how to work out how many square units are inside a shape.

So say if you had a square you could have 5 sq.u across the top of the square and 4 sq.u down the side, then you would have to times it 5 x 4 =20 so that is how you work out how many sq.u are in a shape.                                                              

                                                                 columns down   

                                              rows across -