Match Sticks - Week 3

Match Sticks
On Tuesday the 27th, our class made our names out of match sticks, but it wasn't easy because there were two choices. The choices were make your name 20 centimetres high or make your name a metre long. I chose 20cm high, here is the photo of my name that is 20cm high and Thomas' name is a metre long. The next day we got a sheet of paper and it said... Rosa made her name out of 20 different coloured matchsticks. She used 3 yellow, 5 blue, 4 red, 4 purple and 4 green matchsticks. The yellow are worth $10, the blue $5, the red $2, the purple $5 and the green $2. What is the total value of Rosa's name made out of matchsticks?
That is what we had to work out. And the answer was 91 but you had to write down how you worked out the answer.
Good work Max. Well done for explaining the learning.