Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mickey Mouse's Adventure - Week 2

Mickey Mouse’s Adventure

In 1816 in the twin towers, Mickey Mouse was relaxing with a nice breakfast in his lounge with his dog Pluto sitting beside him. 
“Arr this is nice” said Mickey.
Then suddenly BOOM!!!! Mickey and Pluto jumped. 
“What was that?” said Mickey.  
Mickey and Pluto rushed outside and there standing in front of them was a big giant robot with plankton inside driving it. 
“Plankton, what are you doing in there” yelled Mickey. 
“Well I’m going to destroy the twin towers,” said Plankton.  
Then suddenly a helicopter came down by Mickey and shouted, “I will cut through his back and cut the wires” 
“OK!!” shouted Mickey.  
The helicopter took off and went around the robot. 
“HEY!! What are you doing,” said Plankton.  
“I’m destroying you,” yelled the man in helicopter. 
“No, where are you going? Get out of there” 
BOOM!!! The robot fell to the ground, but the helicopter came down with a bang too because wings were damaged. 
“Hey, are you in there?” Mickey yelled.
Then popping up was the man in the helicopter. 
“I'm OK” shouted the man.
“Oh that's good and thank you" said Mickey.
"That's OK" said the man.  
"I didn't get your name" said Mickey 
"My name is David," explained David. 
"Well thank you," said Mickey. 
"That's OK," replied David.   


  1. Hi Max, I like how your story had a problem and then you have solved the problem by introducing the helicopter. I also like that you haven't used just 'said' the whole way through the writing. I can see the words yelled, shouted, explained and replied. Keep up the great work Max.

  2. Hi Max i like how you put in great words like Boom, Hey etc i like how you haven't put so many ands and thens in you story any way good job and keep it up.
