Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ultimate Smash

My super hero: Lives in a town full of evil with a flying ship called the SHIELD Helicarrier where all the Marvel superheroes live including my super hero called Ultimate SMASH !!!. But the real name of the city that he lives in is New York. The room that ultimate smash lives in, in the SHIELD helicarrier has a BIG bed at least 30 feet and has all his mission videos that he has completed with his crew of heroes.  

My super hero has a big belt going right a cross his chest and is as green as grass with big muscles. He has dark blue ragged shorts with holes in the shorts at his knees, and a beard as brown as dirt. He has very angry eyes and he is bald.

My hero is very very strong and loves smashing things and bad people. He is 20 feet tall and of course he is a HERO!!! His personality is smashing, as I said he loves smashing things. Because his nucleics are as hard as steel and his feet can make a deep deep crack in the ground.

Ultimate Smash starts off running like a normal human being but then starts running like a dog as fast as a cheetah all all around New York city.  Instead of driving cars, he picks them up and throws them a mile away. Ultimate Smashes arch enemy is Evil Doctor DOOM!!. The thing that Marvel is hunting for is cosmic bricks, if you don’t know what cosmick bricks are, they are black bricks with sparkles.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Helping Hands.

In room 12 we have been working with hands for maths and learning how to Translate (Slide) Reflect (Flip) Rotate (Turn). If you look really close you can see what I have done.